Results for 'E. Ja Basin'

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  1.  8
    Polnota kak ėsteticheskai︠a︡ kategorii︠a︡.E. I︠A︡ Basin - 2011 - Moskva: Slovo. Edited by S. S. Stupin.
    Издание содержит: хрестоматия; философы; психологи; литературоведы, искусствоведы; мастер изобразительного искусства и др.
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  2.  11
    Iskusstvo i voobrazhenie.E. I︠A︡ Basin - 2011 - Moskva: Slovo.
    В книгу вошли высказывания об искусстве и воображении философов, эстетиков, психологов, искусствоведов и мастеров искусства.
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  3.  8
    Logika khudozhestvennogo tvorchestva: statʹi i khrestomatii︠a︡.E. I︠A︡ Basin - 2011 - Moskva: Slovo.
    Вниманию читателя предлагаются статьи, посвященные мало исследованным проблемам логики (и психологии) художественного творчества, в частности в работах М. Бахтина. Книга содержит также хрестоматию "Искусство и логика" и предметный указатель.
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    Khudozhnik i tvorchestvo.E. I︠A︡ Basin - 2008 - Moskva: Gumanitariĭ.
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  5. (1 other version)Semanticheskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ iskusstva.E. I︠A︡ Basin - 1973 - Moskva,: "Myslʹ,".
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  6. Strukturalizm: "za" i "protiv": sbornik stateĭ.E. I︠A︡ Basin & M. Poli︠a︡kov (eds.) - 1975 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Progress".
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  7. Iskusstvo i kommunikat︠s︡ii︠a︡.E. I︠A︡ Basin - 2015 - Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteĭi︠a︡.
    Ėstetika antichnosti -- Ėstetika srednikh vekov -- Ėstetika vozrozhdenii︠a︡ -- Ėstetika frant︠s︡uzskogo prosveshchenii︠a︡ -- Ėstetika nemet︠s︡kogo prosveshchenii︠a︡ -- Ėstetika angliĭskogo prosveshchenii︠a︡ -- Ėstetika "Buri i natiska" -- Nemet︠s︡kai︠a︡ klassicheskai︠a︡ ėstetika.
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    Iskusstvo i vzgli︠a︡d (glaza): Antologii︠a︡, statʹi.E. I︠A︡ Basin - 2013 - Moskva: BFRGTZ "Slovo".
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  9. Meyyiyar̲ cintan̲aikaḷ: pērāciriyar Cō. Kiruṣṇarājā nin̲aivu malar.Cō Kiruṣṇarājā, Kārttikēcu Civattampi, Em Ē Nuk̲amān̲ & Vaṭivēl In̲pamōkan̲ (eds.) - 2011 - [Kol̲umpu]: Pērāciriyar Cōmacuntaram Kiruṣṇarājā Nin̲aivukkul̲u.
    Contributed articles on modern philosophy, Saiva Siddhanta and Cō. Kiruṣṇarājā.
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  10.  21
    Mahābhārata: The Third, or Forest, BookMahabharata: The Third, or Forest, Book.E. G., Ja V. Vasil'kov & S. L. Neveleva - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (1):215.
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    "Do-not-resuscitate" orders in patients with cancer at a children's hospital in Taiwan.T. -H. Jaing, P. -K. Tsay, E. -C. Fang, S. -H. Yang, S. -H. Chen, C. -P. Yang & I. -J. Hung - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (4):194-196.
    Objectives: To quantify the use of do-not-resuscitate orders in a tertiary-care children’s hospital and to characterise the circumstances in which such orders are written.Design: Retrospective study conducted in a 500-bed children’s hospital in Taiwan.Patients: The course of 101 patients who died between January 2002 and December 2005 was reviewed. The following data were collected: age at death, gender, disease and its status, place of death and survival. There were 59 males and 42 females with a median age of 103 months (...)
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  12. Sanātana dharmārthasāra.Es Pr̥thvirāja Pāṇḍe - 2018 - Beṅgaḷūru: Kamala Eṇṭarpraisas.
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  13.  29
    Body, Space, and Pain.Jörg Trojan, Martin Diers, Camila Valenzuela-Moguillansky & Diana M. E. Torta - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Agy és tudat.Ferenc Altrichter, János Kristóf Nyíri, Csaba Pléh & E. S. Vizi (eds.) - 2002 - Budapest: BIP.
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  15. Kanta latviskās cilmes problēmas.Jānis K̦ēnin̦š - 1986 - East Lansing: Gauja.
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    The effectiveness of proprioceptive training for improving motor function: a systematic review.Joshua E. Aman, Naveen Elangovan, I.-Ling Yeh & Jã¼Rgen Konczak - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  17.  26
    Your blues ain't like mine: considering integrative antiracism in HIV prevention research with black men who have sex with men in C anada and the U nited S tates.LaRon E. Nelson, Ja'Nina J. Walker, Steve N. DuBois & Sulaimon Giwa - 2014 - Nursing Inquiry 21 (4):270-282.
    Evidence‐based interventions have been developed and used to prevent HIV infections among black men who have sex with men (MSM) in Canada and the United States; however, the degree to which interventions address racism and other interlocking oppressions that influence HIV vulnerability is not well known. We utilize integrative antiracism to guide a review of HIV prevention intervention studies with black MSM and to determine how racism and religious oppression are addressed in the current intervention evidence base. We searched CINAHL, (...)
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  18.  7
    Digambaravē divyāmbara: beṅkiyalli baiciṭṭa kōlina kathe.Rājaśēkhara Maṭhapati - 2017 - Beṅgaḷūru: Kaṇva Prakāśana.
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    A modern ész kritikája.János Salamon - 2021 - Budapest: Kalligram.
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  20. Cristo e la fede nella cristologia recente in Antropologia a Cristologia ieri e oggi.Ja Riestra - 1987 - Aquinas 30 (2):271-287.
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  21. On the Buddha as an Avatara of Visnu.Geo-Lyong Lee, Relic Worship, Yang-Gyu An, Sung-ja Han, Buddhist Feminism, Seung-mee Jo, Young-tae Kim, Jeung-bae Mok, On Translating Wonhyo & Robert E. Buswell Jr - 2003 - In Siddheswar Rameshwar Bhatt (ed.), Buddhist thought and culture in India and Korea. New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research.
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    Filozófia és irodalom határán: arcképvázlatok a felvilágosodás korából.János Rathmann - 2014 - Pozsony: Kalligram.
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    Etika és politika: a demokrácia egyéni felelősség.János Boros - 2016 - Veszprém: Iskolakultúra.
  24.  11
    "A nemes hölgy és a szolgálóleány": tanulmányok.János Kelemen - 1984 - Budapest: Gondolat.
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    Los valores políticos: reflexiones acerca del vínculo entre la ética y la política.Luis Cervantes Jáuregui - 1994 - Puebla, Pue: Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Dirección General de Fomento Editorial.
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  26. Az érték szerepe Kovács András filmjeiben.Palotai János - 1981 - In László Hársing (ed.), Értékelméleti tanulmányok. [Budapest]: Művelődési Minisztérium, Marxizmus-Leninizmus Oktatási Főosztály.
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    A szellem arisztokratája: Böhm Károly értékelmélete.Éva Kissné Novák - 2005 - Budapest: Kossuth.
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    A tudomány, a tudás és az egyetem: filozófiai és felsőoktatási-elméleti vázlatok.János Boros - 2010 - Budapest: Gondolat.
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    Erkölcs és kereskedelem.Jánosné Kardos - 1982 - Budapest: Közgazdasági és Jogi Könyvkiadó.
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  30. Relativitáselmélet és fizikai valóság.Lajos Jánossy - 1968 - Budapest]: Gondolat.
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  31.  11
    Zene és ember.János Maróthy - 1980 - Budapest: Zeneműkiadó.
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  32.  86
    The Genesis of Iconology.Jaś Elsner & Katharina Lorenz - 2012 - Critical Inquiry 38 (3):483-512.
    Erwin Panofsky explicitly states that the first half of the opening chapter of Studies in Iconology—his landmark American publication of 1939—contains ‘the revised content of a methodological article published by the writer in 1932’, which is now translated for the first time in this issue of Critical Inquiry.1 That article, published in the philosophical journal Logos, is among his most important works. First, it marks the apogee of his series of philosophically reflective essays on how to do art history,2 that (...)
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  33. E sua filosofia.Caixinha dos Segredos, Caixinha dos Textos Inventados, Eu Já Sei & Eu Preciso de Ajuda - forthcoming - Filosofia.
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    Filozófia, ember, szaktudományok: a marxista filozófia emberkoncepciója és a szaktudományok mai eredményei: [a Pécsi Akadémiai Bizottság Filozófiai Szakbizottsága által szervezett tudományos konferencia anyaga: Pécs, 1978 november 27-29].Lajos Vereczkei & János Jóri (eds.) - 1979 - Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
  35. The harmonizing influence of God in the understanding of JA Comenius.E. Petru - 1997 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 20 (2-3):99-106.
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  36.  15
    The Saṃbandha-samuddeśa (chapter on relation) and Bhartṛhari's philosophy of language: a study of Bhartṛhari Saṃbandha-samuddeśa in the context of the Vākyapadīya, with a translation of Helārāja's commentary Prakīrṇa-prakāśa.Jan E. M. Houben - 1995 - [Groningen]: E. Forsten. Edited by Helārāja & Bhartr̥hari.
    In the history of the Indian grammatical tradition, Bhartṛhari (about fifth century C.E.) is the fourth great grammarian - after Pāṇini, Kātyāyana and Patañjali - and the first to make the philosophical aspects of language and grammar the main subject of an independent work. This work, the Vākyapadīya (VP), consists of about 2000 philosophical couplets or kārikās. Since the latter half of the nineteenth century, the VP has been known to Western Sanskritists, but its language-philosophical contents have started to receive (...)
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  37.  5
    Authority, Public Dissent and the Nature of Theological Thinking.Ja Dinoia - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (2):185-207.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:AUTHORITY, PUBLIC DISSENT AND THE NATURE OF THEOLOGICAL THINKING IN A RECENT analysis of the Catholic scene, Lutheran Richard John Neuhaus described the controversy over authority and dissent in the Catholic Church as " theologically debased and ecumenically sterile." My own reading of the literature on dissent inclines me to concur with the substance of this judgment. Broad historical, cultural, and theological contexts have inevitably been neglected as the (...)
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  38.  16
    g) Pays Scandinaves. 6848 Danmarks riges historie. Af. J. Steenstrup, K. Erslev, A. Heise V. Mollerup, JA Fridericia, E. Holm, AD Jorgensen. T. V, fasc. 20-23. Copenhague, Nordiske Forlag. In-8. Le fasc. Kr. 0, 60. 6849 Trap. Beskrivelse af kongeriget Danmark. 3 «édit. Under medvirkning. [REVIEW]E. Scheider - 1903 - Revue D’Histoire Ecclésiastique 4:399.
  39.  34
    The Interpretation of Development and Heredity. A Study in Biological Method. By E. S. Russell O.B.E., D.Sc., (Oxford: The Clarendon Press. 1930. Pp. 312. Price 15s. net.). [REVIEW]Jas Johnstone - 1931 - Philosophy 6 (22):252-.
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    The Sciences of Man in the Making. By E. A. Kirkpatrick. (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. 1932. Pp. xv + 396. Price 15s. net.). [REVIEW]Jas Johnstone - 1932 - Philosophy 7 (27):369-.
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  41. Yesul chakpʻum ŭi kujo punsŏk e kwanhan kochʻal.Sin-ja Kim - 1975
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  42. A lukácsi érték-koncepció jelentőségéhez.Rathmann János - 1981 - In László Hársing (ed.), Értékelméleti tanulmányok. [Budapest]: Művelődési Minisztérium, Marxizmus-Leninizmus Oktatási Főosztály.
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    Pragmatikus filozófia: igazság és cselekvés.János Boros - 1998 - Pécs: Jelenkor.
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    Vallás-világkép-tudomány: a keresztény tudományos értelmezési keret létjogosultsága.János Szulovszky - 2018 - Budapest: L'Harmattan Kiadó.
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    Materialism and Vitalism in Biology. By Sir Peter Chalmers Mitchell, C.B.E., D.Sc., LL.D. (The Herbert Spencer Lecture delivered at Oxford, 06 3, 1930.) (Oxford: at the Clarendon Press. 1930. Pp. 30. Price 2s.). [REVIEW]Jas Johnstone - 1930 - Philosophy 5 (20):631-.
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    Crisis and Consolidation in the Formative Period of Shīʿite Islam: Abū Jaʿfar ibn Qiba al-Rāzī and His Contribution to Imāmite Shīʿite ThoughtCrisis and Consolidation in the Formative Period of Shiite Islam: Abu Jafar ibn Qiba al-Razi and His Contribution to Imamite Shiite Thought.E. Kohlberg & Hossein Modarressi - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (3):459.
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  47.  21
    A Polêmica Paulo Freire e Ivan Illich.Gildemarks Costa E. Silva - 2016 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 24:102-120.
    O objetivo deste texto é explorar aproximações e divergências no pensamento de Paulo Freire e Ivan Illich na forma como eles vêem a relação entre educação e transformação social. Acredita-se que a retomada da polêmica Freire e Illich sobre o problema educação e transformação social pode contribuir para melhor compreender e esclarecer a verdadeira natureza desse problema, já clássico na história da educação moderna.
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  48. Alegorías éticas.Isabel Jáidar Matalobos & Verónica Alvarado Tejeda - 2004 - In Vargas Isla & Lilia Esther (eds.), Territorios de la ética. México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco.
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  49.  40
    Yi as “Meaning-Bestowing” in the Xunzi.Soon-ja Yang - 2021 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (1):115-131.
    This essay aims to explore Xunzi’s 荀子 problem, which was originally proposed by David S. Nivison. The problem revolves around a tension in Xunzi’s writings about human nature. In his chapter “Human Nature is Bad (Xing’e 性惡),” Xunzi states that humans have inborn selfish desires and natural feelings, and if they do not control or regulate these desires and feelings, there will certainly be chaos. However, in the chapter “The Regulations of a Sage King (Wangzhi 王制),” Xunzi argues that human (...)
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  50.  8
    Le neuf, le différent et le déjà-là: une exploration de l'influence.Judith E. Schlanger - 2014 - Paris: Hermann.
    Proposer une oeuvre nouvelle, developper une idee neuve ou une vision personnelle differente, c'est dire autre chose. Mais c'est aussi dire quelque chose qui n'est pas radicalement inoui et sans connexion. Impacts, emprunts, initiatives, traditions ou ruptures: ces relations d'influence traversent la vie des idees et des oeuvres, leurs rapports entre elles, leurs caracteres de famille, et ce qui les rend chacune distincte. Invention et memoire vont ensemble. Leur liaison et leur ecart organisent ce qu'il y a d'autonome et d'unique (...)
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